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Punk Goes Political

Riot Grrrl - a punk rock, feminist movement in the 1990s that fought against slut-shaming, the

sexualization/objectification of females (especially young girls), and rape culture, as well as issues like the “white boy mosh pit” craze that prevented women from enjoying rock concerts. The movement’s goal was to end the oppression of all people and it’s message still resonates today.

With the recent election of racist, sexist, facist, bigoted, lgbtqa+phobic Donald Drumpf*, we all need to unleash our inner riot grrrl! I recently found Le Tigre’s new single called I’m With Her that came out a little over a month ago, along with the Julie Ruin’s summer hit I’m Done that attacked internet trolls with a catchy beat and colorful karaoke style. Both of which reminded me how influential Kathleen Hanna was in the capitalist, slut-shaming 90s (not much different today unfortunately) and how much her raw, kick-ass passion is needed in today’s fucked up “Trump Nation”. I recommend all Hanna fans watch a documentary called The Punk Singer (2013) dir. Sini Anderson, that chronicles the life and work of the riot grrrl pioneer and founder of bands such as Bikini Kill, Le Tigre, and Julie Ruin.

Overall, this fantastic human just really deserved a shout-out right now and her message is so prevalent in our current political climate. Take that rage and turn it into something beautiful. Don’t just retweet a #hashtag and expect things to change, throughout Trump’s administration we must fight more than ever to not normalize his behavior and relay to Mr. President that we will not have our rights taken away without a fight. If you are someone who is currently living in fear due to these election results, know that we are all here for you and our great nation will overcome these hard times.

On a lighter note, here are some of my favorite songs by Kathleen Hanna (+ friends) that I hope will give you major motivation and possibly even a head boppin’ dance break.

* John Oliver reference

Bikini Kill

1. Double Dare Ya

2. Rebel Girl

3. Alien She

4. Reject All American

5. New Radio

6. Feels Blind

7. Capri Pants

8. R I P (Rest in Pissoff ed ness)

9. Anti-Pleasure Dissertation

10.Strawberry Julius

Le Tigre

1. Hot Topic

2. After Dark

3. Gone B4 Yr Home

4. Mediocrity Rules

5. Deceptacon

6. Keep on Livin’

7. TKO

8. get off the internet

9. Bang! Bang!

10. Friendship Station

The Julie Ruin

1. I Decide

2. Planet You

3. Oh Come On

4. Radical or Pro-Parental

5. The Punk Singer

6. Apt. # 5

7. Goodnight Goodbye

8. Hit Reset

9. Run Fast

10. Mr. So and So


Kathleen Hanna Playlist

“Herstory Repeats”: Kathleen Hanna

The Punk Singer Official Trailer (2013)

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